Service de célébrants primé du Canada

Votre cérémonie est le cœur de votre journée de mariage, et nos célébrants sont là  pour la rendre inoubliable.

Depuis plus de 25 ans, nous aidons des couples de toutes traditions et de tous horizons en Ontario, au Québec, en Nouvelle-Écosse, en Colombie-Britannique et en Alberta. Nous croyons en l'amour et en l'égalité du mariage sans exception! Drapeau de la fierté inclusive intersexuée

Que vous prévoyiez une célébration extravagante ou une fuite en toute intimité, vous pouvez faire confiance à All Seasons pour vous proposer une cérémonie attentionnée correspondant à votre histoire d'amour unique.

Demander un devis

Cérémonie de mariage bilingue et à orientation juive

Word of welcome

My name is XXX and I have the privilege of performing this marriage ceremony today.

Bienvenue à tous. Prénom du marié et prénom de la mariée sont heureux de vous voir ici réunis pour partager cette occasion joyeuse de leur vie.

On behalf of name of groom and name of bride I want to welcome each of you and thank you for being here. They are thrilled that you are here today to share in their joy during this magical moment in their lives.

As we begin today's celebration, I would like to ask who presents this woman to be married to this man?

Answer. 'Her mother and I do' or 'I do' etc

Out of two different and distinct traditions, name of bride and name of groom have come together to learn the best of what each has to offer, appreciating both the similarities and differences. By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other and you support their decision to commit themselves to one another for the rest of their lives.

Address to the assembly

Today their relationship changes. It will grow, and become stronger and better. Indeed this day is a day of merriment.

A day in which name of the bride and name of the groom demonstrate their commitment, devotion, and mutual respect, as well as love for one another.

You, who are gathered here as witnesses, are called to continue your support and encouragement as they unite in marriage.

Prénom de la mariée et prénom du marié, nous souhaitons que votre amour soit solide comme le roc et constant comme une étoile. Laissez les pouvoirs de l'esprit et de l'intelligence vous guider dans votre mariage. Laissez la force de vos volontés vous unir, laissez la puissance de votre amour vous rendre heureux et les vœux de votre engagement vous rendre inséparables.

The custom is to have the ceremony outside under the stars, as a sign of the blessing given by God to the patriarch Abraham, which his children shall be "as the stars of the heavens" (Genesis 15:5). Marriage ceremonies in the Middle Ages customarily took place outdoors, as an omen that the marriage should be blessed with as many children as stars in the heavens. To make a space separate from the surrounding marketplace, the rabbis sanctioned the use of a chuppah. Time and creativity have "turned it into" a variety of other similar structures. The original meaning of the word was "room" or "covering" from the phrase in the Bible: "Let the bridegroom go forth from his chamber and the bride out of her pavilion (chuppah) (Joel 2:16). The balcony can be argued to be making this sacred space separate from the marketplace.

Address to the couple

We all know marriage is more than two people repeating vows. There is an art to any creative activity.

So too in marriage. Part of the art of marriage is finding room for the things that bring joy to your lives. So to you two I say continue in your search for the good and the beautiful in this life.

Part of the art of marriage is being flexible. So in your marriage cultivate flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humour.

Most important, develop the capacity to forgive and heal your differences day by day, especially when it comes to making wedding invitations. Always remember that your love will prevail. Love will be the miracle always inviting you to learn, to blossom, to expand your horizons.

This ceremony today is a most serious covenant made before all of us as witnesses.

From your new marriage relationship will emanate the nurture and strength you two need to face the world.

From this moment on you will face the world together in a new way.

Today a new family is born and our world will be the better for its birth. For this we all celebrate.

The expression of intent and consent

Now just a few questions. First for you name of groom.

Name of groom, you have chosen name of bride to be your wife. Do you solemnly declare that you do not know of any lawful impediment why you may not be joined in matrimony to name of bride? Déclarez-vous solennellement que vous ne connaissez aucun empêchement légal à votre mariage avec prénom de la mariée? Will you love and respect her? Will you be honest with her always? Will you stand by her through whatever may come? Even if she is side-seat driving and planning everything you will be doing months ahead of time?

Answer: 'I will' / 'Oui'

Name of bride, you have chosen name of groom to be your husband. Do you solemnly declare that you do not know of any lawful impediment why you may not be joined in matrimony to name of groom? Déclarez-vous solennellement que vous ne connaissez aucun empêchement légal à votre mariage avec prénom du marié? Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you stand by him through whatever may come. Even if he always packs the morning you are leaving on vacation and spend weekends on the computer?

Answer: 'I will' / 'Oui'

The affirmation of family and friends

Now, in the spirit of joy and affirmation, I want to ask your families and friends a question:

Do you the families and friends of name of bride and name of groom, give them your blessing and support, wishing them a wonderful life together? Vous, membres des familles et amis respectifs de prénom de la mariée et prénom du marié ici réunis, leur accordez-vous votre bénédiction et votre soutien en leur souhaitant une vie commune remplie de bonheur?

All Answer: 'We do' / 'Oui'

Signing of the register

(Marriage licence)

The exchange of vows

Name of groom and name of bride, we now come to your vows. May I remind you that saying your vows is one thing but nothing is more challenging than living them day by day. What you promise today must be renewed tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you.

Will you now please turn and face each other and hold hands, looking at each other.

Name of groom, please repeat after me:

Before our family and friends I, name of groom, choose you name of bride to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, to love and to cherish, and to be faithful to you alone. This is my solemn vow. Devant nos familles et amis, moi, prénom du marié, te choisis pour être mon épouse légitime.

Now name of bride, please repeat after me:

Before our family and friends, I, name of bride, choose you name of groom to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, to love and to cherish, and to be faithful to you alone. This is my solemn vow. Devant nos familles et amis, moi, prénom de la mariée, te choisis pour être mon époux légitime.

May I have the rings please?

These rings in their unbroken wholeness are tokens of the continuity of your love. May their shining substance be a symbol of the enduring trust and affection that you bring to one another.

Name of groom, please repeat after me:

Name of bride, I give you this beautiful ring, that you may wear it, as a symbol of the vows, we have made this day. I pledge you my love, and respect; I will honour you with all that I am.

Name of bride, please repeat after me:

Name of groom, I give you this ring, that you may wear it, as a symbol of the vows, we have made this day. I pledge you my love, and respect; I will honour you with all that I am.

Now bless the giving of these rings, that those who wear them may live in love all their days.

Declaration of marriage

Name of groom and name of bride, we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize and respect the covenant of marriage you have made here this day before your closest friends and family.

Therefore, in the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today, it is my honour and delight to declare you henceforth to be husband and wife. I, XXX, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Marriage Act, do hereby pronounce you name of groom and name of bride to be married as husband and wife. En vertu des pouvoirs qui me sont conférés par la Loi sur le mariage, moi, XXX, je vous déclare mari et femme, prénom du marié et prénom de la mariée.

Name of groom, you may now kiss your new bride. Prénom du marié vous pouvez maintenant embrasser la mariée.

Breaking of the glass

We conclude this ceremony with the breaking of the glass. There are several explanations for the shattered glass. Today, one is it symbolizes the fragile nature of human relationships and therefore a reminder to nurture the marriage.

May your bond of love be as difficult to break as it would be to put together the pieces of this glass.

Nous concluons la cérémonie par le bris du verre. Cette tradition du verre brisé a plusieurs explications. Aujourd'hui, selon l'une de ces explications, elle symbolise la fragilité des relations humaines et rappelle que la relation du mariage doit être nourrie et cultivée.

After name of groom breaks the glass, I invite everyone to shout the Hebrew words "Mazel Tov", which means "Good Luck" and "Congratulations".

Après avoir cassé le verre, prénom du marié invite tout le monde à crier les mots « Mazel Tov » qui veulent dire « Bonne chance » et « Félicitations ».

Introduction of the couple

It is my personal privilege and a great joy to be the first to introduce name of groom and name of bride as husband and wife.

Please greet them warmly.

The Recessional (couple leave back down the aisle when music starts)

Service de célébrants primé du Canada

Votre cérémonie est le cœur de votre journée de mariage, et nos célébrants sont là  pour la rendre inoubliable.

Depuis plus de 25 ans, nous aidons des couples de toutes traditions et de tous horizons en Ontario, au Québec, en Nouvelle-Écosse, en Colombie-Britannique et en Alberta. Nous croyons en l'amour et en l'égalité du mariage sans exception! Drapeau de la fierté inclusive intersexuée

Que vous prévoyiez une célébration extravagante ou une fuite en toute intimité, vous pouvez faire confiance à All Seasons pour vous proposer une cérémonie attentionnée correspondant à votre histoire d'amour unique.

Demander un devis